He realised he had gone overboard and was sinking beneath the waters. The narrator's head smacked into the wheel as a flood of green and white water swept over the ship. The danger was clear enough that the sailors conducted a life-raft practise, attaching the lifeline boats and life jackets.A huge explosion shook the Wavewalker at 6 p.m., and the writer was flung overboard. Unfavorable weather and large waves caused the crew to reduce the ship's pace, lower the storm jib, and take other precautions. The waves were tremendous in magnitude at the dawn of January 2nd. They had also put their boat, the Wavewalker, through its paces in the most extreme conditions. He and his wife had spent all of their spare time over the previous 16 years developing and honing their talents in jobs relating to sea travel. The narrator intended to embark on a round-the-world sea expedition along the lines of Captain James Cook, who had done so 200 years before. He and his wife both dream of sailing across the world in their ship, the Wave Walker, which is 23 metres long and 30 tonnes, precisely like Captain James Cook’s. He has a wife named Mary and two children, Jonathan, who is six years old, and Suzanne, who is seven years old. Hint: “We are not afraid to die”, the narrative is about a 37-year-old businessman who is the narrator, and it was written by Gordan Cook and Alan East.